INPI Brand Search: An Essential Step for Businesses

INPI Brand Search: An Essential Step for Businesses

Blog Article

Doing a brand search at INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property) is an essential step for entrepreneurs who want to protect their brand before launching their product or service in the market.

INPI takes the role of protecting and controlling all matters related to industrial property click here rights comprising of brands, patents, and industrial formats in Brazil.

A trademark can be a name, logo, or symbol that differentiates one company's products and services from another's.

Because of the potential for confusion and legal disputes, it is essential to search the INPI's database to ensure that the chosen brand is not already registered by another party.

The process of brand searching in INPI involves several steps, which may seem complex to the uninitiated.

Yet, getting a grip of these steps is very critical in the successful registration and protection of one's brand.

To start the brand search, the INPI's online database must be first accessed.

Here, using the search tool, individuals can input their intended brand name to see if there are any potential conflicts.

In cases where a similar or exact match is discovered, it may be wise to reconsider the brand name to evade legal issues.

Even though this process might seem complex and time-consuming, keeping your brand safe is an invaluable part of your business.

Performing a search at the INPI before registering your brand is a precautionary measure that could save you from possible future legal conflicts and brand devaluation.

To sum it up, it is crucial to search for a brand at the INPI for any entrepreneur in Brazil who wants to prevent possible copyright problems and protect their brand successfully.

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